In another example of the Democrats’ support of political violence, Representative Maxine Waters (D-California) incited a violent mob in Minnesota yesterday to not to accept anything other than a guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer on trial for the death of Daunte Wright. Just one day after the week long protests descended into violence, Rep. Waters’ urged protesters at Brooklyn Center to “to get more confrontational.”‘
“I am not happy that we have talked about police reform for so long,” Waters said. “We’re looking for a guilty verdict,'” she added in regards to the Derek Chauvin trial. ‘”If we don’t, we cannot go away.”
“We gotta stay on the street,'” Waters was recorded saying, adding that protesters needed ‘”to get more confrontational” and they should ignore the curfew in place.
Waters has a history of calling for violence to advance the Democrats’ radical political agenda. In 2018, Maxine Waters infamously called for attacks on the Trump administration, telling a crowd of supporters, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Her call for increased street violence to pressure the jury to deliver a politically acceptable verdict is the antithesis of the ideals of the American judicial system. For Waters, and too many other Democrats and Leftists, the judicial system is just another tool of political power. What Waters is doing is substituting the political pressure of the mob for the deliberations of an impartial jury to determine the guilt or innocence of someone on trial. In other words, what she wants is a lynching, not a trial.
Closing arguments in the Chauvin trial are on Monday and it is an open question of whether the jury will be swayed by the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt presented at court or by the political pressure coming from the streets. I wouldn’t want to be on that jury, knowing the consequences of finding Chauvin not guilty.
Nonetheless, anyone who has followed the trial closely knows by now that the prosecution has failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. To understand full weakness of the prosecution’s case is against Chauvin, I highly recommend Andrew Braca’s article: Chauvin Trial Verdict Prediction (of Sorts): On legal merits alone, not guilty — but political dynamics drive injustice.
UPDATE: Not unexpectedly, the level of violence surrounding the Chauvin trial has escalated only hours after Waters’ incendiary statement. A news release from the Minnesota National Guard said that the Minnesota National Guardsmen security team were fired upon at about 4:19 am, local time early Sunday morning. Fortunately, the injuries two guardsmen sustained were minor.